It Happens Again …

So this morning I spoke to my mum briefly, then went and laid down for most of the day as I haven’t been feeling well. As most people know I have a lot of issues currently going on with my health.

When I wake this afternoon I notice something strange on Facebook. Then it turns out that my mum has blocked me, AGAIN. I can not keep going through this. Again, I need to go around and remove her as my Next of Kin, as obviously there is something going on again and she isn’t prepared to talk to me about it.

I have sent her 2 text messages and got no reply so that tells me everything I need to know. So this time I am done, I am not going to reach out anymore. I just can’t do it. Right now I am too emotional again as I have lost my mum again, even after she said, again, it wouldn’t happen, but it has and I don’t understand why.

Well, another thing to talk to my counselor about now. But I don’t see her for nearly 3 weeks now. So be a bit of bottling things up until I see her again. Thank goodness I have my blog where I can still get my thoughts and feelings out.

I do believe I know what this is over, but it is nothing to block your son over after your just started communicating again a couple of months ago … Oh well, I should have known. At least I know now exactly where I stand and I am not going to fall for it again, nor am I going to put myself through this again.

Right now I am having thoughts of doing something very stupid, but I won’t as I know there are actually a few people out there who are friends that actually do care. And they don’t treat me like shit.

All I can say is thank you for the good times we have shared over the last couple of months, I will have you removed as my NOK next time I visit the hospital and my Doctors, and will email my Caseworkers after I post this informing them to remove your details from my case file. As obviously you wouldn’t want to know if and when things happen to me anymore … as I said AGAIN … And also as I said I shouldn’t be surprised. But I am … But now I am done. All I know is I just can’t go through this again … not the 3rd or 4th time that it now is.

About The Author

Zac hails from the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, spends his free time playing computer games such as GTA-V FiveM, Need for Speed Most Wanted (Black Edition), Flight Simulator X, and The Sims 4. He once enjoyed leisurely walks along the beach before his below-knee amputation (BKA) in June 2022. Currently, Zac is on a path to recovery, confronting both physical and mental health challenges arising from a history of abuse, adversity, and prolonged homelessness. With each passing day, he continues to persevere, striving for improvement in his life, and remains resolute in not allowing his past to dictate his future. Zac has a lot of health, both physical and mental which he is currently working on after a long history of abuse, hardship and decades being homeless. Zac continues to get by day by day and is moving forward with his life and is no longer letting anyone hold him back.


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