Latest Blog Postings

  • It has been sometime since I have done any blogging. This is all about to change over the coming week or so. Stay tuned for my blog post about to restart.  I had stopped posting for a bit due to personal reasons, this will all be explained soon. Speak to you all very soon.

  • Just the other day it happened again ... another fall out of the wheelchair resulting in further wounds onto the stump. This time two large wounds near the bottom of the stump. Meaning no use of the prosthetic for months down the road again ... Really, I don't know how much of this crap I can contin...

  • So, this post isn't against all the LGBTQI+ community, but it is about the majority. What I don't get is several years ago I personally had no problem finding someone to go for coffee, have dinner or even go further after a date i had no problem finding someone. However, now days, being an amputee a...

  • Today I started with a new Friday support worker. When I saw his profile the other day, I wasn't sure how things would go. When he turned up this morning, he was chirpy and happy. Bit much for me early morning. But he had already read my bio and understood most of it, which was great. Someone who ac...

  • There is currently so much going on with me at the moment that no one wants to hear. Also, people within my life really do not understand what I went through in 2022, nor what I continue to go through to this day, which is now 822 days post-op since the BKA. I have been a drug addict for around 7 ye...

  • Monday 5th August 2024 - Day One NDIS Respite   It is currently 5.30am and I am making the final touches on packing the last few items before my support worker arrives and we begin to journey to Port Macquarie for 6 days. It is going to be a bit of an exhausting day, but one that is much overdue and...

  • From 6am tomorrow morning every changes. As at the writing of this post I have less than 12 hours until I leave for my respite period. It is something that has been planned for over a month now and the day of departure is now not far away. I am nervous and anxious, the family I will be seeing whilst...

  • Yesterday I had my monthly appointment with my GP and I decided to bring up the issues I was having with my weekly injections of Ozempic. I want to be taken off it. I wanted to be placed back onto my several injections a day - I know it would mean going back to 4 to 5 injections daily instead of onc...

  • After many years of challenges and drama, significant changes will take effect from the 1st of August 2024. These changes are intended to benefit my future endeavors, including several planned projects and some that are already in progress. However, let's address a few updates first. SoreEyesRP has...

  • WARNING This post contains images that may upset or offend some readers. These images relate to after surgery. If you cannot handle such images, please do not continue. The 3 images within this post are not as graphic as other images and do not show the actual wound after the BKA. So, you should be...