A New Year & A New Decade

We are now 9 days into a new year, a new decade, it is now 2020. And for me 2 days ago began my 43rd year on this planet. There has been so much crap over the last 4+ decades of my life. But today marks exactly 20 months since my life took a dramatic change for the better, for the most part.

Today I have officially not been homeless for 20 months, not including the couple months spent in the hospital, as at that time in hospital I was still homeless as I didn’t have a place to live when I was released at the time. But the hospital social worker and my primary Doctor at the Mona Vale hospital were so determined to get me somewhere to live that they went so far and beyond what their duties at the hospital were. And I can’t thank them enough for everything they have done. It is because of them that began the major changes in my life.

I can also not thank Coast Shelter enough for everything they have done over the last 20 months and continue to do for me now and will continue to do into the future. If it wasn’t for them and the support I get there is no way I would have lasted the last 20 months and I would be in one of two places. That would either be back in the parks, concrete slabs and beaches and wherever else I would sleep or I would be 6 foot under (due to the constant health issues and how they were getting worse). There are really no words to thank them enough.

On Tuesday they even threw me a party birthday down by the waterfront and I had several people that mean the world to me there. I will post some pictures of the day sometime later when I add the gallery onto my site. Which is something I am currently working on in the background. This is now the second year in a row they have celebrated my birthday. Not something that I am used too celebrating anymore. But it has been fantastic.

For me, 2020 and beyond is the time for the major changes in my life to continue and I just keep moving forward, even though there are still some areas I am struggling in. But now that I am on the NDIS I have the money and support that I actually need here and when I get into my own permanent home, which will hopefully come along in the next couple of months and then I can really settle down.

Right now there is a lot of changes still happening with my health, in my personal life and in the business I have set up and am running.

2020 and beyond, upwards and moving forward … There is no holding me back now.

About The Author

Zac hails from the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, spends his free time playing computer games such as GTA-V FiveM, Need for Speed Most Wanted (Black Edition), Flight Simulator X, and The Sims 4. He once enjoyed leisurely walks along the beach before his below-knee amputation (BKA) in June 2022. Currently, Zac is on a path to recovery, confronting both physical and mental health challenges arising from a history of abuse, adversity, and prolonged homelessness. With each passing day, he continues to persevere, striving for improvement in his life, and remains resolute in not allowing his past to dictate his future. Zac has a lot of health, both physical and mental which he is currently working on after a long history of abuse, hardship and decades being homeless. Zac continues to get by day by day and is moving forward with his life and is no longer letting anyone hold him back.