2 days til Xmas

It’s Sunday 23rd December 2018 – We are just 2 days away from Xmas 2018 and 8 days until we reach the new year of 2019 and 15 days until I turn 42. What a busy couple of weeks ahead. And in there somewhere will also come a funeral when it is arranged.

Tomorrow I have a Xmas Eve Lunch that I am going to. The good thing is that there isn’t going to be that many people there so my anxiety should pretty much stay in check. I will still make sure I have my medication on hand just in case.

Christmas Day there is no way I will be going down to CS as there is going to be close to 300 people for the 3 hours. That amount of people in such a small place I just won’t be able to handle. There are a few options for Xmas Day, I could go up to Newcastle or even down to Sydney. There are events on in both places that I know of and that I have been to before which either one would be good of. But also travelling on public transport on Xmas Day also doesn’t sound fun. So, more then likely I will just stay at home. I don’t mind I have spent Xmas alone for years and it really doesn’t bother me anymore.

On a final note. Today is going to be a good day …

About The Author

Zac hails from the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, spends his free time playing computer games such as GTA-V FiveM, Need for Speed Most Wanted (Black Edition), Flight Simulator X, and The Sims 4. He once enjoyed leisurely walks along the beach before his below-knee amputation (BKA) in June 2022. Currently, Zac is on a path to recovery, confronting both physical and mental health challenges arising from a history of abuse, adversity, and prolonged homelessness. With each passing day, he continues to persevere, striving for improvement in his life, and remains resolute in not allowing his past to dictate his future. Zac has a lot of health, both physical and mental which he is currently working on after a long history of abuse, hardship and decades being homeless. Zac continues to get by day by day and is moving forward with his life and is no longer letting anyone hold him back.