15 weeks, 3 days and QEII D+3

Today, Monday 12th sept. 2022 marks 15 weeks and 3 days since admission, that is a total of which is now at 108 days.

As I enter into day 108 (as it is only 5.51am at the start of writing this, so the sun is only just starting to rise on this Monday morning. This is also the 4th day since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Marking today as D+3 in the Royal schedule after D-Day (the day the Queen passed). And to put very simply: London Bridge Is Down“.
It is all we see on TV at the moment,
over every station, and it will continue until after the Queen’s funeral on D+10 (being September 19th, 2022}. A day in history that will never be forgotten. It is constant over all social media platforms and everywhere you look pretty much. It is either about Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s II passing or about the new King, King Charles III.

On Sept. 22nd it has been announced that Australia will have a Public Holiday for the death of the Queen. It is a Thursday and so many people are going on about how they should have done it on the Friday so they get a long weekend, well, this isn’t about you, it is about the death and mourning of the Queen who is still the Head of State of our country at her passing. But right now, King Charles III is the current Head of State for Australia. Unless we leave the Commonwealth, which our Prime Minister has said he would not even consider in his first term of office then we are until such time (if the country even agrees to it) under King Charles III, as our Head of State.

The pledge Queen Elizabeth II made from Cape Town, South Africa on her 21st birthday about pledging her whole life would be devoted to our service. And this she surely did until the day she died. Only 2 days before her passing she met with and appointed her 15th Prime Minister, Liz Truss. This would be her final event ever held. She was determined to appoint her 15th Prime Minister even with her current health concerns, which was easily seen in the images from the meeting with Liz Truss, UK Prime Minister.

This morning I woke just before 5am in pain and had to buzz the overnight nurses so they could get me a dose of my PRN pain medication. I can’t wait to get my forever home because then I don’t need anyone’s approval or anyone else to get medication and literally stand in front of me making sure I take it. No, I just asked for it for the fun of it and am just going to let it sit on the table and not take it whilst I continue to be in pain. Jeez they are stupid sometimes I feel. But they have to account for every single pill that comes out of that locked drug room. I do understand that but some of the things they have to do are stupid and annoying, especially after 108 days and of the same routine for nearly that inter damn,

Oh damn, I also just realised whilst typing this today is exactly 14 weeks since the leg amputation. Yikes, that time has flown really in the great scheme of things.

Anyway enough rambling from me for one morning. More coming soon.

About The Author

Zac hails from the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, spends his free time playing computer games such as GTA-V FiveM, Need for Speed Most Wanted (Black Edition), Flight Simulator X, and The Sims 4. He once enjoyed leisurely walks along the beach before his below-knee amputation (BKA) in June 2022. Currently, Zac is on a path to recovery, confronting both physical and mental health challenges arising from a history of abuse, adversity, and prolonged homelessness. With each passing day, he continues to persevere, striving for improvement in his life, and remains resolute in not allowing his past to dictate his future. Zac has a lot of health, both physical and mental which he is currently working on after a long history of abuse, hardship and decades being homeless. Zac continues to get by day by day and is moving forward with his life and is no longer letting anyone hold him back.